No doubt public schools look different this year. Bryant Public Schools have provided onsite instruction FIVE days a week while keeping our students safe, learning and growing. Learn more at and join us in celebrating #PublicSchoolsWeek.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Public Schools Week
Since many of the side roads in our district remain hazardous, Bryant Schools (including Pre-K) will be closed for onsite classes on Monday, Feb. 22. This will be a Remote Learning Day for students. Students will access their assignments through Google Classroom. Since paper packets were sent home with only five days of school assignments, teachers will work with students who do not have a device and/or internet to complete assignments for this remote learning day.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Remote Learning Day
REMINDER: ALL students will be dismissed early on Tuesday, February 23. Secondary schools (grades 6-12) will hold virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences from 2:00-7:30pm. Teachers will contact parents to set up a conference time.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Early Dismissal Schedule
Tomorrow will mark a full week of Remote Learning for Bryant Schools. Bryant Schools (Pre-K through 12th grade) will be closed on Friday, February 19 for onsite learning. Students should spend the Remote Learning day working on new Google Classroom assignments or paper packets. Finish up any work from the week which has not been completed. Remember, teachers are scheduling Zoom sessions for students who need help. Teachers are also available through email to provide assistance. We hope to see our Hornets back in school on Monday!
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Pivot to Virtual Learning
GOOD NEWS: Bryant High School is now a SAT testing site! Directions to Register:
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
SAT Test Site
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION: If your child will be five (5) years of age on or before August 1 and lives in the Bryant School District, he/she is ready to be a Hornet! Learn more about Bryant’s kindergarten program: Registration checklist:
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Kindergarten Registration
Hornet families, we hope you are enjoying this once-in-a-lifetime snow event! Bryant Schools (including Pre-K) will be closed for onsite learning on Thursday, February 18. Since Thursday will be a Remote Learning day, students may access assignments through Google Classroom or work on assignments in paper packets. Teachers are available via email if you need help!
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Remote Learning Day
Are you a certified teacher (K-12), Special Education teacher, or bus driver interested in being part of Bryant Public Schools? Join our Virtual Job Fair on Tuesday, March 9 from 5-8pm. Visit with school administrators using your computer or mobile phone. Secure your spot by registering at by March 3. Additional information is available at
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Virtual Job Fair
On this cold, snowy day, why not dream about your future career? Check out all the options being offered at the Saline County Career & Technical Campus opening this fall.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Students will learn remotely on Wednesday, February 17. All Bryant Schools (including Pre-K) will be CLOSED for onsite instruction. Students may access assignments through Google Classroom or continue work in paper packets. We hope all our Hornets are staying warm and safe.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Remote Learning Day
Bryant Public Schools will be CLOSED for onsite instruction and will pivot to Remote Learning on Tuesday, February 16. Students may access assignments through Google Classroom or work on assignments in paper packets. Stay warm, stay safe, and enjoy the snow!
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Remote Learning Day
What a great #BryantHornetDay! We love seeing all our Hornet fans sporting & supporting the Blue. It's a true celebration for our 2020 State Football Champions. Take a look at our #212 gallery. We’ll keep updating the page as photos are shared.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Bryant High School teacher Will Heatherly was honored with the National Citizenship Education Teacher award by the local VFW Post for promoting citizenship education in his classroom and school. Mr. Heatherly’s AP World, AP European History, and AP U.S. Government and Politics students are fortunate to have such a dedicated patriot as their history instructor. #BryantProud
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
VFW Award for Will Heatherly
Congratulations to these thirteen Bryant High School Band students on making the 2021 Arkansas All State Bands! #BryantProud
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
2021 All State Band
Bryant Schools will be open for onsite learning today (Friday, February 12).
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
School administrators have been driving and assessing roads in the district this afternoon. Based on current conditions, Bryant Schools will be open for onsite learning on Friday, February 12. Team members will reassess road conditions in the early morning hours. IF roads are deemed unsafe and the district has to pivot to Remote Learning for Friday, a decision will be made by 5am. Parents will be notified as quickly as possible via the following:     * Phone calls, text, email via the mass notification system
 * District and school social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
 * Notification through the Bryant Public Schools app
 * District website:
 * Local television stations
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Tomorrow, Friday, February 12, is “Bryant Hornet Day” to honor the accomplishments of the Hornet coaches, staff, and players in winning three consecutive 7A State Football Championships. We want to see all Hornet fans sporting & supporting the Blue! Take a photo wearing your Hornet gear and/or Bryant Blue and post on your social media accounts, using #Be212, #HornetPride, or #BryantHornetDay. Be sure to tag us in your post! We also encourage you to email photos to Watch for your photo to appear on our district social media channels.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Bryant Hornet Day
The Hornet Fishing Team meeting scheduled for tonight (Wednesday, February 10, 6pm) has been cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
The district has already purchased food for the Remote Learning Day on Monday. Due to uncertainly with the weather, we are sending the shelf stable meal kits (one breakfast, one lunch) home with students today.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Based on current weather reports and information from the Saline County Office of Emergency Management, Bryant Public Schools will be CLOSED for onsite instruction and will pivot to Remote Learning on Thursday, February 11.
almost 4 years ago, Bryant Public Schools
Inclement Weather