Interested in Virtual Learning for Your Elementary Student?
Bryant Public Schools will offer a virtual learning option in Fall 2021 for Bryant students in kindergarten through 5th grade who wish to remain at home for instruction while maintaining the structure of a school day.
Students will be assigned a virtual Bryant teacher and a virtual classroom. Students will have daily classes and required online sessions with their virtual teacher. Referred to as synchronous instruction, students will receive live lessons from teachers throughout the school day using Zoom.
Enrollment is available for K-5 students who live in the Bryant School District.
Parents must apply to enroll a student in virtual learning. To ensure that students are successful in the virtual program and remain on-track to advance to the next grade, applications will be reviewed to determine whether virtual is the best learning environment for students interested in the online school option.
(Note: Students who did not participate in NWEA and/or state mandated assessments in the previous year (2020-21) will not be eligible for virtual learning.)
Additional information is available in the Elementary Virtual Learning Guide: | En español:
Enrollment is open March 2-April 1, 2021. Applications are available online: