October is National Principals Month! ⭐️ We are excited to celebrate Bryant Middle School principal Dondre Harris. Mr. Harris works hard to serve the students, staff and families at BMS. Thank you, Mr. Harris, for being a great leader!
10 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
dondre harris
The Bryant School Board meets monthly. Following each regular meeting, Bryant Public Schools will post a School Board Recap. We hope this short summary will provide our parents and community members with user-friendly information about decisions being made at school board meetings. Links to the October 2023 meeting recap: English ⇉ https://5il.co/27g4p Spanish ⇉ https://5il.co/27g4r
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Board Recap
Board Recap Spanish
Support BMS Cheer and Dance teams!
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
BMS Cheer & Dance
We know our students and staff are looking forward to Fall Break! 🍂🍁🍃
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Fall Break Reminder
🎧 New Podcast Episode 🎧 In this month's episode of the Hornet Hour Podcast, Dr. Alex Berry talks with BHS Student Senate President Emeril Jones and Vice President Lochlan Walsh about homecoming and other events coming up this year. To continue celebrating Principals Month, Dr. Berry visits with Jason Hay and Shannon Williams about their paths to becoming a principal as well as the exciting things happening in the schools they lead. bryantschools.org/podcast
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Hornet Hour Podcast
A single coach will influence thousands of players over his/her career. To all the coaches who inspire our Hornets to work harder and do their best, we say thank you. Happy Coaches’ Day! 🧢🏈⚽️🥎🏓🎾👟🏀⛳️🎮⚾️📣🩰
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Coaches Day
Our #GoGold campaign provided a total of $2,011.72 for Arkansas Children’s Hospital Hematology/Oncology Child Life Department to support children with cancer and their families. Hornets, thank you for your generous donations and support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Go Gold Total
Our monthly district e-newsletter, Success Happens Here, is one way we share important information with our parents and community. Please visit one of the links below for the October 2023 edition: English: https://5il.co/268o3 Spanish: https://5il.co/268o2
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Happy Custodial Workers Recognition Day!! BMS has the BEST of the BEST!! Thank you for working so hard to keep BMS pristine and for creating an enjoyable space for our teachers, staff, and students. We appreciate you today and every day!
11 months ago, Tiffany Kent
Don't forget to #GoGold to support Childhood Cancer Awareness this Friday, September 29th!
11 months ago, Tiffany Kent
Go Gold
The Bryant School Board meets monthly. Following each regular meeting, Bryant Public Schools will post a School Board Recap to give parents and community members user-friendly information about decisions being made at school board meetings.
September 2023 recap: English: https://5il.co/25ma8 Spanish: https://5il.co/25ma9
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Board Recap English
Board Recap Spanish
REMINDER: All students will be dismissed early on Thursday, September 28 for Secondary (6-12th grade) Parent Teacher Conferences. Teachers will reach out to parents to schedule conference times.
11 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Early Dismissal and Parent Teacher Conferences
Have you completed a meal application? The online application only takes a few minutes and is the fastest, easiest way to get approved. Paper applications may also be picked up and returned to any school office or cafeteria. Apply at bryantschools.org/page/food-service.
12 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Free Meals
At BMS, we love celebrating different cultures! September 15th-October 15th gives us time to increase our students' exposure to the positive impact our fellow Hispanic authors, leaders, entertainers, athletes, and inventors have made. We are excited to celebrate at BMS over the next several weeks!
12 months ago, Tiffany Kent
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
We are excited to join BES for their Batty Block Party!! We hope everyone can join us on October 24th. We would appreciate any candy donations. If you bring in candy, please turn it in to your 3rd period teacher.
12 months ago, Tiffany Kent
Batty Block Party
Help support the BMS Food and Clothes Pantry! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2KEAOXKGD8EOL?ref_=wl_share
12 months ago, Tiffany Kent
BMS Food Pantry
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. For the second year, our district is participating in the #GoGold campaign. All Hornets are asked to #GoGold on Friday, September 29. Wear gold clothing/accessories or wear a gold ribbon. We are asking students to donate $1 and staff to donate $2. All donations will be given to Arkansas Children’s Hospital Hematology/Oncology Child Life Department to support children with cancer and their families.
12 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Go Gold
Archery Tryouts for Grades 6-12 🏹 🎯 Pre-tryout practices will be Tuesdays & Thursdays (Sept 18-Oct 6). Practices are from 4-7pm with 3 sessions per night. Tryouts will be the week of October 9-12. Practices & tryouts will be held at BJHS Black Box (301 Hill Farm Road). Due to limited space, you must join the Google Classroom to fill out the forms and reserve your practice spot using Code bmmiv4r. Detailed information and signs for the tryouts are included in Google Classroom.
12 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Archery Tryouts
BMS was announced as the first secondary school in the district with the designation of HeartSafe School through Project Adam & ACH! In partnership with Bryant Fire Department and Pafford EMS, Bryant Middle School staff successfully completed the certification drill this morning. As a sudden cardiac arrest was announced through BMS's intercom system, BMS's cardiac emergency response team (CERT) mobilized, arrived on scene, and immediately started CPR. Bryant Fire Department arrived on scene to support the CERT team followed by Pafford EMS. Bob the Mannequin was saved through the efforts of this wonderful team! The CERT team is composed of a wide variety of the BMS team members with Nurse Theresa Cunningham leading the way. Congratulations, Bryant Middle School! The BMS CERT team members are Coach Biehslich, Coach Brown, Mr. Harris, Coach Langley, Coach Mattox, Coach Prescott, Coach Sledge, Coach Ward, Coach Williams, Coach Wilson, Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Tidwell, Officer Morehead, Mr. Scoggins, and Dr. Lindberg, Nurse Laura, and Nurse Theresa!
12 months ago, Tiffany Kent
HeartSafe School
🎧 New Podcast Episode 🎧 Season 2 Episode 1 of the Hornet Hour Podcast is now live! Join Dr. Alex Berry as he visits with individuals in the district to provide information about Bryant Public Schools. Dr. Karen Walters, recently named 2024 Arkansas Superintendent of the Year, provides information about the upcoming school year. Dr. Berry talks with Brittany Rothwell, Hornet Health Coordinator, and Michele Lewis, Director of Student Services & Federal Programs, about the various support programs in the district. bryantschools.org/podcast
12 months ago, Bryant Public Schools
Podcast Episode 1 Seaso 2