Winterguard Preformance

Winter Guard is a visual performance ensemble that blends costumes, movement, and dance choreography using flag, rifle, and sabers for an entertaining, high-energy show. But unlike color guard on a football field, winter guard is performed indoors using recorded music instead of a marching band or orchestra.   

Bryant Bands have three Winterguard teams: Bryant White, Bryant Blue and Legacy Winterguard, all of which have performed at high levels at competitions hosted by local and regional associations. 

Bryant Indoor Percussion is a marching ensemble which adds music and theatrics to their performances. The team recently received first place in their division at the AMAA regional competition.

All four groups will compete at the state championship on Saturday, April 1 at Lake Hamilton High School in Wolf Arena.

Bryant Winter Groups Championship Schedule

Prelims Performance Times:
Bryant White Winterguard will take the court at 10:35am.
Bryant Blue Winterguard will take the court at 11:03am.
Legacy Winterguard will take the court at 11:38am.
Bryant Indoor Percussion will take the court at 1:48pm.

All four groups will compete one last time in finals competition in the evening. Performance times will be announced after results from the prelims are posted.

Tickets can be purchased at and are $15.  These groups would love the support of the community as they represent Bryant High School on Saturday!