Buzz Academy

Committed to providing MORE opportunities to meet the needs of our students and families, Bryant Public Schools has created Buzz Academy, a full-time virtual learning option for the 2021-22 school year. Buzz Academy, available to secondary students grades 6-12, offers a school experience outside the traditional classroom with Bryant teachers dedicated to the success of each student.

Teachers in the Buzz Academy will provide instruction via live-streaming, digital coursework, and computer-based platforms. Students attend school online and work with Bryant teachers to complete learning activities, both teacher guided and independently, that mirrors the same standards (scope and sequence), concepts and graduation requirements as students in traditional classrooms. 

Secondary students will have two virtual learning options: 

Synchronous: Students will have a set class schedule and required Zoom sessions with Bryant teachers for instruction delivery.

Asynchronous: Students engage in self-paced learning through educational and instructional technology (Edgenuity). Bryant teachers act as facilitators of learning, rather than providing direct instruction.

Bryant students may enroll in Buzz Academy and still participate in athletics and extracurricular activities. Parents will be responsible for transporting students to these activities.

Additional information is available in the Buzz Academy Guide. En español

Students must apply to attend Buzz Academy. Applications will be reviewed to determine whether virtual is the best learning environment for students interested in the online school option. Enrollment is available for students in the Bryant School District. 

Applications will be accepted February 1-March 1, 2021. Limited spots are available. 

Applications are online at