Bryant Athletics partners with Rank One Sport, an online electronic medical records system, which houses all required athletic participation and medical consent forms as well as all medical documentation concerning any of your athlete's injuries and treatments. It is completely HIPAA, FERPA, and PPRA compliant, meaning protected healthcare information is secure and ONLY the Bryant Athletic Trainers have access to these records. Parents will need to log in to Rank One to create and complete a profile for their athlete(s) as well as fill out and electronically sign all forms before their athlete will be allowed to participate in athletics. The website may be accessed at
Due to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines, we currently do not have the capability to hold our usual in-person pre-season parent meetings to share required sports medicine information regarding Heat Illness, Concussions, Communicable Diseases, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Two separate Power Point presentations have been uploaded to Rank One which cover all information we normally share in our meetings. Links for these presentations may be located at the top of the Home/Instructions page in Rank One.
Parents may contact their team's Athletic Trainer if there are any questions.
Christa Finney, MS, LAT, ATC --
Brandon Sitz, MS, LAT, ATC --
Heather Jolly, MBA, LAT, ATC --