Bryant's Food Service Department received a $2,000 grant from GENYOUth's COVID-19 Emergency School Nutrition Fund. The grant helped purchase food and containers for our Food & Transportation staff to feed our students during the school closure.
Summer Food Program provides FREE meals for children up to age 18. Come hungry! Details at
We are #BryantProud of our BHS Computer Science Educator, Brenda Qualls!
Bryant Public Schools Board of Education is seeking interested applicants to fill a vacancy on the school board for At Large Position B. Applicants must reside within the Bryant School District.
The full term is scheduled to expire May 2021 and will be placed on the ballot for the May 18, 2021 school board election.
Applicants are invited to submit a letter of intent and a resume to Heather Tipton, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and School Board, by noon on Thursday, June 11, 2020. All submissions are subject to Arkansas’ Freedom of Information Act.
The applicants will be interviewed by current board members at the June 18, 2020 regular school board meeting. Following the interviews, the Board will consider a final appointment to fill the vacancy beginning July 1, 2020 through the May 2021 school board election.
Resumes can be submitted electronically to, delivered to the Administration Office, or mailed to Bryant Public Schools, 200 NW 4th Street, Bryant, AR 72022.
For more information or to verify residency in the Bryant School District, visit or call 847-5600.
Congratulations to our six Duke TIP Scholars:
Sydney Pomtree
Jasmyn Schlesier
Harper Sellers
Maricka Farr
Dylan Long
Pierce Noland
The Duke TIP Scholars program offers above-grade-level testing, enrichment resources, year-round learning options, residential summer programs, online courses, and original research opportunities for gifted students. To be recognized, students had to score a 22 in English, Math or Science, or a 23 in Reading on the ACT.
Here's a #GoodThing: Arkansas Art Educators host a student art competition each year. Artwork by Bryant Middle School sixth grade student Jaiden Jimenez Martinez was awarded 3rd place from all sixth grade entries in the six county Central Region. Keep creating, Jaiden!
Check out the NEW Everett Field. Thanks to a generous donation from the Everett family, Hornet Stadium has new artificial turf for fall football. The Everetts also assisted in replacing the indoor turf in the Hornet Field House. We are so thankful for their long time support of Bryant Hornet Athletics.
Great progress is being made on the new concession area and ticket booths.
NOTE: Bryant Athletic facilities are closed through May 31.
*Drone footage by BHS teacher Dexter Barksdale*