heart safe school

Springhill Elementary School has earned their Project Adam / Arkansas Children's Hospital Heart Safe School designation.

In partnership with Bryant Fire Department and Pafford EMS, Springhill Elementary staff successfully completed their Heart Safe School certification drill. As a sudden cardiac arrest drill was announced over the intercom, the SPES cardiac emergency response team (CERT) mobilized, arrived on scene, and immediately started CPR. The secretary simultaneously contacted emergency services to make them aware that a drill had been initiated.

Bryant Fire Department arrived on scene to support the CERT team followed by Pafford EMS. Manny the mannequin was saved through the efforts of this wonderful team!

The CERT team is composed of a wide variety of SPES team members with Nurse Rachel Cobb leading the way. Through the efforts of our Nursing Department, we now have 9 of our 12 schools designated as Heart Safe and the remaining 3 will also be as soon as possible.  Congratulations, Springhill Elementary School!