dyslexia take flight training

Bryant Public Schools has staff members who have completed two years of Take Flight Training. Take Flight is a Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia is a curriculum written by the staff of the Luke Waites Center for Dyslexia and Learning Disorders at Scottish Rite for Children.

They have completed the following:

  • minimum of 200 instructional hours, 

  • minimum of 700 clinical/teaching practicum hours, with a minimum of 3 teaching situations in both intro and advanced levels of instruction, and

  • minimum of 10 demonstrations. 

The staff members can now sit for the ALTA (Academic Language Therapy Association) and CALT (Certified Academic Language Therapist) exams. 

Pictured Left to Right: Leah Graddy, Shelia Benson, Cydni Carlson, Jaclyn Williams, Amy Blakley, Jennifer Rankin, Taylor Doan, Leslie Manchester, Amity Tyler, Amanda Fisher, Stephanie Shaw. Not pictured: Barry Anderson and Sandra Weihe