Bryant High School's talented students brought home a collection of medals from the Arkansas SkillsUSA State Skill and Leadership Conference, proudly showcasing their exceptional skills in various trade and technical fields.
Instructor: Lindsay Fell
T-Shirt Design: Kaylee Anderson (1st), Jennifer Mendoza (2nd), and Katherine Wertenberger (3rd)
These students demonstrated their creativity, originality, and graphic design skills by creating a compelling and visually appealing design that captures the essence of Arkansas. They developed the design from sketch to showcase and defended their design choices to a panel of judges through a portfolio and presentation. Kaylee’s shirt design will be printed onto a shirt and gifted to all of the Arkansas SkillsUSA State Champions to wear during the SkillsUSA National Leadership Conference.
Pin Design: Molly Kitchens (1st) and Dmarius Zachary (3rd)
Contestants were challenged to create a design that embodies the spirit of Arkansas while also incorporating elements that represent career and technical education, leadership, and personal growth. The winning pin design serves as a symbol of pride and unity for all Arkansas SkillsUSA members and will be worn to honor and signify their dedication to their craft at the SkillsUSA National Leadership Conference.
Advertising Design: Hunter Oliveria (3rd)
Hunter demonstrated his creativity and graphic design skills by crafting compelling promotional materials.
“Students’ dedication, hard work, and passion truly shined in this competition,” Graphic Design instructor Lindsay Fell said. “I’m incredibly proud of our students' achievements and the remarkable way they represented our school. Their success not only reflects their talent but also their perseverance and commitment to excellence. I can’t wait to see what happens next!”
Instructor: Michael Westbrook
Their outstanding achievements didn't stop with graphic designs—our TV/Broadcast students also shined brightly!
Audio Production: Asher Bird & Sam Morgan (1st)
The pairing have worked together for two years and finished in second place in the nation last June at the national conference. The two were asked to produce a 3-minute NPR style audio report with a public service announcement about SkillsUSA.
Video/Broadcast News Production: Jerrod Barber, Taylor Dischinger, Nick Gibbs, & Chelsea Jensen (1st)
This group won the Hornet Media programs third consecutive state championship in Video News Production. The team performed a live five minute newscast in front of four judges after having 30-minutes to prepare.
“To see the success this year from the Graphic Design students, many competing in their first SkillsUSA event, plus the consistency from the TV production students was a tremendous experience,” Broadcast instructor Michael Westbrook said. “We are ready to see how our exceptional students at Bryant measure up on the national stage.”
The first place individuals and teams have now qualified for the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Atlanta, Georgia this summer.