With the goal of promoting unity and a sense of belonging for everyone in the building, Davis Elementary has implemented a house system for students and staff. Counselor Nathan Watkins led the team in developing the school wide initiative which is based on the Ron Clark Academy model.
At the beginning of the school year, students were randomly assigned to one of six houses associated with a positive character trait: responsibility, kindness, leadership, respect, teamwork, and empathy. Students and staff selected the house name, developed a motto, a cheer, and even a handshake to represent their new school family. Each house also has a color associated with it.
To foster a sense of community throughout the school, each house has a mix of different grades and staff members. Older students have the opportunity to be leaders and positive role models for younger students. And staff have a chance to work with students beyond their classroom.
Each Friday, house meetings focus on a specific character trait through games and activities coached by an assigned teacher. These lessons help students develop social and emotional skills such as integrity, kindness, self-esteem, and respect, a district priority supported by the Capturing Kids Hearts program. As students learn to work together and encourage one another, they begin to focus on contributing to the larger community.
Students earn points for their houses with good behavior, special accomplishments and more. Every adult in the building—custodian to principal—has the ability to give points to a student seen demonstrating positive character traits. Students earn individual points, which contribute to their house points.
Each month the houses come together for a pep rally celebration and that’s where they find out who wins! The winner is the house with the most points that month. As a sign of good sportsmanship, all students (no matter their house) wear the winning house color on the following Monday to show support for their classmates and their school.
Staff members are all in and excited about the positive culture houses have brought to the school. “I’m not sure which group is more competitive—our staff or our students,” said principal Julie Roark.
The House system not only promotes school spirit, but also helps to reduce discipline issues. Students are more engaged and motivated, which boosts their academic performance. As the sense of belonging increases the Davis family will only grow stronger.