Student Expectations and Discipline

In order to maintain a safe and orderly atmosphere on all Bryant Public School buses, the following rules have been established and must be followed to retain bus privileges.

School Bus Rules

  1. Follow the directions of the driver. Students are under the direct supervision of the driver while on the bus.

  2. Remain properly seated at all times. Follow the directions of the driver as to when it is appropriate to standing on the bus.

  3. Keep hands, feet, all body parts, and objects to yourself.

  4. Do not use profanity, rude language, rude gestures, or tease/bully anyone on the bus.

  5. Do not litter, write on, or damage the bus in any way

  6. Large items will be permitted only if it fits in the studentโ€™s lap. (Instruments, athletic gear, etc.). Students must not block the aisle with any books, musical instruments, athletic gear, legs, or feet.

  7. All school handbook rules are to be followed.

  8. Ride only the bus to which you assigned. The Bryant Public Schools do not permit visitors on our buses.

  9. Do not distract the driverโ€™s attention or disturb other riders on the bus.

  10.  All students who live within two (2) miles radius of school will not be allowed to ride the bus.

Consequences for Violation of Bus Rules

Students who violate bus rules will be subject but not limited to the following consequences.

  1. First bus discipline report โ€“ written warning

  2. Second bus discipline report- five day bus suspension

  3. Third Bus discipline report- ten day bus suspension

  4. Fourth bus discipline report- Bus privileges denied for remainder of the school year.

  5. Severe Clause: A student who distracts a bus driver from his/her responsibility of safely driving the bus or who engages in conduct endangering other students such as but not limited to fighting, smoking, or disrespect toward the bus driver will receive an immediate suspension from riding if a severe infraction occurs. Suspension time for a severe infraction may result in the denial of bus riding privileges for the remainder of the year.

*A suspension from one Bryant bus is a suspension from all buses operated by the Bryant Public School District.

*If a student rides the bus under suspension then the discipline automatically moves to the next progression of bus discipline.

Please contact the Assistant Director of Transportation with questions/concerns regarding bus discipline issues.  The number for the Transportation Department is 847-5601.