School Safety Team


Adam VanVeelen

District Security Coordinator

Adam VanVeelen, District Security Coordinator, leads the school safety mission at Bryant Schools. 

Mr. VanVeelen brings many years of experience as a United States Navy Veteran, police officer, corporate security advisor, and school resource officer. His role is to manage safety and security on our campuses, focusing on both preventative measures and the implementation of new procedures.


Bryant Public Schools makes the safety of students and staff a top priority. Each school in the district has a security officer on campus to help provide a safe and secure environment for our Hornets.

In addition to Bryant Police School Resource Officers (SROs) at our secondary campuses, Bryant Schools employ Commissioned School Security Officers (CSSOs) at our elementary campuses. SROs and CSSOs work closely with administrators in creating safe schools.

A SRO is a career sworn law enforcement officer employed by a police department or other law enforcement agency in a community-oriented policing assignment to work in collaboration with schools. Through a partnership with the City of Bryant, the district is fortunate to have seven Bryant Police Officers helping make our school environment a safe one.

A CSSO is a private security officer who has completed additional training, and who has been granted the authorization by the Arkansas State Police to carry a firearm while on the property of a public-school (K-12). Collectively, the nine CSSOs employed by the Bryant School District have almost 100 years of prior law enforcement experience.

In addition to providing an armed security presence, these officers serve as educators, informal counselors, and emergency managers. While the primary responsibility for the SROs and CSSOs is safety, other duties include educating students on law-related topics such as bullying, gang violence, driving safety, underage drinking, and more. At each school, the SRO and CSSO becomes a dependable, appreciated member of the team who kids look to for advice, support, and safety.

Bryant Schools is very thankful for all the staff that help keep our students safe!

School Resource Officers

ofc samantha hodgson

Officer Samantha Hodgson
Bryant High School

ofc chad winkler

K-9 Officer Chad Winkler
Bryant High School

Officer Chris Bunch

Officer Chris Bunch

ofc josh terry

Officer Josh Terry
Bryant Junior High School


Lieutenant Mark Kling
Bryant Junior High School


Officer Nicholas Kincade
Bryant Junior High School


Officer Amy Acosta
Bryant Middle School

Commissioned School Security Officers

Ofc Charles Lamb

Officer Charles Lamb
Bryant Elementary School

ofc pete dixon

Lee Ledbetter
Collegeville Elementary School

ofc austin sublett

Officer Austin Sublett
Davis Elementary School

ofc martindale

Officer Michael Martindale
Hurricane Creek Elementary School 

ofc bobby hankins

Officer Bobby Hankins
Hill Farm Elementary School

ofc steven prichard

Officer Steven Prichard
Parkway Elementary School 

ofc james payne

Officer Tim Dillon
Salem Elementary School

ofc michael connell

Officer Michael Connell  
Springhill Elementary School 

ofc dill

Officer Adam Boccher
Bethel Middle School