Referral and Identification Process
Comprehensive Identification Plan for the Bryant School District is based on the research and recommendations of experts in the field and the guidelines found in the ADE Gifted and Talented Program Approval Standards. The purpose of identification is to find and serve those students who need special programs to develop their exceptional abilities.
Students are referred for the gifted evaluation by teachers, parents, peers, and themselves.
Screening for referral often begins in grades K-2 as a result of student observations performance during whole group enrichment activities.
2nd grade universal screening is also used
The parent or legal guardian is sent a permission form for final authorization of referral and to receive permission to evaluate.
A Case Study of each child recommended for the gifted program is completed. This case study may include but is not limited to the following:
School Ability Assessment(s)
Creativity Assessment(s)
Standardized tests provided by the district or state
Parent/student/teacher questionnaires and/or checklists
Whole group enrichment documentation
Data Collection/Assessment
Data is collected and placed on a student profile sheet
A selection committee who studies individual data is formed of at least five members comprised of any of the following: administrators, counselors, classroom teachers, and teachers of the gifted.
Multiple criteria are used in identification. No single cut-off score is used to include or exclude. Procedures used in the identification are non-discriminatory with respect to race, cultural or economic background, religion, national origin, sex or handicapping condition.
The committee makes an initial impartial decision; student folders are then introduced as needed for additional information.
Additional information assessments may be requested by the committee.
Gifted Identification and Placement
After a careful evaluation of the data, the Case Study determines if a student meets the Arkansas definition for gifted children and if the student requires additional educational opportunities outside the regular classroom.
Letters of placement are sent as notification to all parents
Parents are offered times to make appointments for conferences to discuss the screening information and appeals if appropriate.
Digital Permission to Place forms are included in the letter for those identified by the committee for the program. This must be signed and submitted by the parent/guardian and (paper copies) returned to the Office For Gifted Programs before services can be rendered.
The referral and identification process is ongoing.