Offer Versus Serve (Grades 1-5)
Bryant Public Schools participates in the Offer versus Serve program for meals in grades 1-5. Rather than being served a plated meal, offer versus serve allows students to decline a certain number of meal components and instead select foods they will eat and enjoy. Students get the nutrients they need for success in the classroom and less food is wasted.
Students build a healthy meal by choosing the foods they intend to eat. For lunch, students are presented with 5 food components: a meat or meat alternate, vegetable, fruit, bread or grain item, and milk. The student must select at least 3 items, with at least one being a ½ cup of fruit or vegetable. Students may select all 5 items. Milk is one of the optional choices. For those not choosing milk, small water bottles are available. The breakfast program is operated in much the same way, with four food items offered, with students selecting a minimum of three.
By offering food choices, children are more likely to eat the food items rather than throw the food away. Meals still meet federal requirements to ensure children are receiving enough food to meet their nutritional needs.