Continuum of Service Options

What is Least Restrictive Environment?
The least restrictive environment (LRE) is the setting where the student can most appropriately receive his or her educational services.  The goal is to increase the opportunities he or she has for accessing the general education classroom with non-disabled peers.  A student should only be removed from the general education environment when the general curriculum is ineffective for him or her even when supplementary aides are provided.

  • STAR Classrooms (Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research):

    • Self-contained settings for students with moderate to profound disabilities.

    • Focus on implementing strategies derived from autism research.

  • PACE Program (Positive Action Changes Everything):

    • Self-contained sessions aimed at helping select students with disabilities develop socially appropriate behavior.

    • Transitional program with the goal of fully integrating students back into their home campuses.

    • Supported by a dedicated team including a Behavior Specialist, an Administrator, a Special Education Interventionist, Special Education Teachers, and Therapists (Mental Health, Physical, Speech, or Occupational).

  • Inclusive Education Specialists:

    • Support students in middle school and beyond to be integrated into regular or co-taught classroom settings.

    • Provide targeted interventions throughout the day.

  • Resource Classroom Settings:

    • Provide targeted instruction, often utilizing the Wilson Reading System (WRS) for reading support.

    • Serve students with characteristics of dyslexia who are in the special education program.

    • Designees track students' progress on their goals and work towards dismissal from the program after imparting valuable skills.

  • Speech-Language Services:

    • Students receive speech-language services directly or indirectly from a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) or a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP).

  • Total Resource Setting:

    • Designed for students who are not quite ready to transition to a moving or rotating resource schedule.

    • Provides consistent access to the same teacher throughout the day.

These placement options provide a continuum of supports to meet the diverse needs of our amazing students!