Pre-K Registration 2025-2026

Bryant Pre-K accepts children who are the age of 4 by August 1, 2025. The program offers both grant paid and tuition paid slots. We offer an exceptional Pre-K program for children. Our program is Better Beginnings 5-Star Certified. Each classroom has a certified teacher and credentialed paraprofessional.

If your child will be four (4) years of age on or before August 1, 2025 and lives in the Bryant School District, he/she is ready to be a Hornet! 

Make sure to provide all items listed on the application checklist.

How to submit application beginning February 17:

(1) In Person: Bring completed application to the Pre-K office, next to Bryant Elementary between 8am-2pm.

(2) Drop Box: Available 24/7: Drop off completed application in drop box located in front of the Bryant Pre-K.

ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS containing all documents listed on the application checklist WILL BE PROCESSED.

If you have questions, please contact Tisha Long, Bryant Pre-K Director or Susana Sanchez, Bryant Pre-K Secretary at 501-847-5650        



Application Tips:

  1. Fill the application out completely. Some of the information may be repeated but is required.

  2. Make sure to list social security numbers. This is required for the parent, child, and all other members of the household.

  3. If emailing an application, you MUST upload the application and all documents to your device and email as ONE complete document (file). Make sure that the documents are legible.